Shall one get rid of bad habits? And are they actually that bad?
For example, do you often start your day with a cup of coffee?
I personally do. Especially when in Europe. Here coffee is a part of life. But coffee cups here are really small, literally for a couple of sips. With no sugar or cream.
In USA the situation is the opposite. There coffee is a totally different drink, it’s very diluted and there’s a lot of it. At any caffe a waitress would refill your cup with this beverage with no limit. And at a higher class caffe they would add syrup, milk and vaporised cream to it.
At first, that seemed cool two months later I started to miss those European couple of sips.

Same with baked goods, for example. In Montenegro everyone eats them. Buns, wheat bread, pastries. And everyone is slim. And in Ecuador, where we were staying in a village at the shore of Pacific Ocean, there was no pastries, bread, sugar or potatoes at all. There, although, we met some overweight people.
I tend to think, it’s not the food itself. It’s in the head. There’s no bad habit that appears with no background. One cup of coffee a day or one scone is unlikely to radically affect your weight and health. Typically, when we gorge ourselves, there’s something else that worries us. And that’s not coffee.
Do you agree?